Navy Federal Credit Union

By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND DIVISION A.E.F., for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Commander Mack distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as a Surgeon attached to the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in action against the enemy in the Chateau-Thierry Sector, France, during World War I.

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander (MC)


    6th Regiment (Marines)


    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces

    Action Date:

    June 12, 1918

    GHQ, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Order No. 6 (June 3, 1919)

    By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, American Expeditionary Forces, for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Commander Mack distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as Surgeon, attached to the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in action in the Bois de Belleau, France, 12 June 1918, in working through a heavy gas bombardment evacuatingt the wounded and refusing to leave until all the wouonded and Hospital Corps men had been removed.

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander (MC)


    6th Regiment (Marines)


    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces

    Action Date:

    June 1 – 30, 1918

    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Order No. 88 (1918)

    By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND DIVISION A.E.F., for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Commander Mack distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as a Surgeon attached to the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in action at the Bois de Belleau, France, 1 to 30 June 1918. Lieutenant Commander Mack remained at the battalion dressing station although severely gassed and continued to carry on the evacuation of the wounded.

  • Navy Cross


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander (MC)


    6th Regiment (Marines)


    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces

    Action Date:

    June 12 & July 19, 1918

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty as Surgeon with the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces In the action at the Bois de Belleau, on 12 June 1918, when his dressing station was subjected to a heavy gas bombardment, Lieutenant Mack remained on duty and carried on the evacuation of wounded, refusing to leave until all wounded and hospital corpsmen had been removed to a place of safety; as a result he was severely gassed. In the action at Vierzy, on 19 July 1918, he accompanied the advance and was exposed for fifteen hours to the fire of machine guns and artillery, performing his duties with marked coolness and precision.

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander (MC)


    6th Regiment (Marines)


    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces

    Action Date:

    June 12, 1918

    GHQ, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Order No. 3 (June 3, 1919)

    By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, American Expeditionary Forces, for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Commander Mack distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as Surgeon, attached to the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in action in the Bois de Belleau, France, 12 June 1918, in continuing to attend to the wounded during a heavy gas bombardment.

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander (MC)


    6th Regiment (Marines)


    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces

    Action Date:

    July 18 – 19, 1918

    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Order No. 88 (1918)

    By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND DIVISION A.E.F., for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Commander Mack distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as a Surgeon attached to the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in action at Soissons, France, 18 – 19 June 1918. Lieutenant Commander Mack accompanied his battalion to the farthest limits of its advance and for fifteen hours was exposed continuously to terrific fire of machine guns and artillery which inflicted casualties of slightly more than 70 percent.

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander (MC)


    6th Regiment (Marines)


    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces

    Action Date:

    World War I

    2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Order No. 64 (1919)

    By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant Commander (MC) Cornelius H. Mack, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND DIVISION A.E.F., for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Commander Mack distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as a Surgeon attached to the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in action against the enemy in the Soissons Sector, France, during World War I.