By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), First Lieutenant (Infantry) Arthur Tilghman Brice, Jr., United States Army, is cited by the Commanding General, 3d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the World War I Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Brice distinguished himself While serving with 7th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, American Expeditionary Forces. While acting Battalion Adjutant, Lieutenant Brice did at a total disregard for danger, leave the Battalion Post of Command on 15 July 1918, about 7:00 P.M., and go alone into Bois d’Aigremont, which wood sere under heavy artillery fire, to the new lines of resistance near Fossoy where they were successfully employed against the enemy’s advance. Lieutenant Brice returned to his post ab out 2:00 A.M. after having successfully accomplished his mission. [A Distinguished Service Cross was awarded for this action.]