By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Lieutenant (MC) Frederick R. Hook, United States Navy, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND DIVISION A.E.F., for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Hook distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving as a Medical officer attached to the Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, during World War I. Lieutenant Hook exhibited exceptional heroism and devotion to duty by establishing advanced dressing stations and maintaining them as close to the front as possible in order to better take care of the wounded. He was constantly exposed to heavy shell fire but showed an utter disregard for personal safety in rendering first aid to the wounded and seeing to their evacuation.