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The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant Colonel Marinus P. A. DenOuden, Army of the Netherlands, for gallantry in action while serving with the Dutch Grenadiers, Netherlands Detachment, United Nations forces in Korea, in action against the enemy near Hoengsong, Korea, on 12 February 1951. While attached to the 38th Infantry Regiment of the 2d Infantry Division, Colonel DenOuden’s detachment had the mission of holding a portion of the defensive line west of the town of Hoengsong. Shortly after dark on the night of 12 February, the Chinese Communists attacked in force, driving back one of the two Netherlands rifle companies. Colonel DenOuden was directing the defense from his command post when, at 2100 hours, a group of about sixty Chinese infiltrated into the area in the wake of withdrawing Republic of Korea soldiers. When challenged, the enemy shouted, “OK! ROKs!” and then began hurling grenades and firing their small arms at the Dutch. Colonel Den Ouden immediately took command of the headquarters group and drew them back into a defensive perimeter. Fearlessly exposing himself to the intense enemy fire, he rushed from place to place in order to encourage his men and direct their fire. At this moment, an enemy mortar shall struck and set fire to a truck in the command post area, silhouetting Colonel DenOuden against the light and making him the target of the concentrated enemy fire. While gallantly returning this fire, Colonel DenOuden was mortally wounded by an enemy grenade thrown from close range. However, inspired by Colonel DenOuden’s dauntless courage and heroic sacrifice, his men fought valiantly and dispersed the enemy. The bravery, leadership and daring displayed by Colonel DenOuden reflected great credit on himself and the United Nations Forces.

Awards Received

  • Silver Star




    Netherlands Forces

    Action Date:

    Korean War

    Headquarters, EIGHTH U.S. Army, Korea, General Orders No. 106 (1951)

    (Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: Marinus P. A. DenOuden, Netherlands Forces, was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action against the enemy of the United Nations in Korea.