Navy Federal Credit Union

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant Obert C. Richardson (MCSN: 0-27822), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism as a Leader of a Tank Platoon attached to Company A, Fifth Tank Battalion, FIFTH Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, 24 February 1945. When his company’s command tank struck a mine and was completely disabled while spearheading a corps attack against the enemy’s strongly organized defenses north of Motoyama Airfield Number One, First Lieutenant Richardson immediately assumed command of the tank company and continued to lead the advance across the taxi strip which connected Airfield Number One with enemy-held Airfield Number Two. Prepared to run the gauntlet, he braved a terrific concentration of antitank fire and the known danger of implanted mines to drive at maximum speed toward the objective and, refusing to halt or slacken his accelerated progress under the smashing bombardment laid down by continuously firing Japanese mortars, artillery and large caliber weapons, staunchly bore the brunt of an overwhelming volume of hostile fire throughout the plunging, hurtling advance of his heavy armored column until, suddenly striking an aerial torpedo implanted as a land mine, his tank was completely demolished a scant fifty yards from the enemy airfield. Instantly killed in the explosion which destroyed his vehicle, First Lieutenant Richardson, by his aggressive headlong drive on the assigned objective, had succeeded in diverting the enemy’s tremendous fire power from advancing elements on the right flank, enabling those units to reach and occupy the objective and thereby effect a penetration of the Japanese main line of defense. His outstanding valor, dauntless fighting spirit and indomitable determination in the face of insuperable odds, reflect the highest credit upon First Lieutenant Richardson and upon the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Awards Received