The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Corporal Alfred J. Daigle (MCSN: 808641), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as Leader of a Machine Gun Squad serving with Company K, Third Battalion, Twenty-Fifth Marines, FOURTH Marine Division, during the occupation of enemy Japanese-held Tinian Island, Marianas Group, on the night of 24 July 1944. A vigilant leader, Corporal Daigle immediately took control of the machine gun when his gunner was wounded during the fierce countermeasures initiated by the Japanese following our assault and subsequent establishment of a beachhead on this strategic island. Pouring a steady hail of bullets on the hostile troops, he succeeded in inflicting heavy casualties and in forcing the enemy’s temporary withdrawal. Then, holding stoutly against the second attempt to penetrate our lines despite the loss of all rifle protection around his installation by concentrated hostile mortar, Machine gun and grenade fire, he continued to man his gun with cool courage, maintaining a ceaseless barrage of devastating fire against the oncoming Japanese. Determined not to yield his position when the emplacement was finally knocked out by hostile guns, he remained steadfast, fearlessly engaging the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and battling with fierce aggressiveness until, overpowered by the fanatic opposition, he fell, mortally injured, with one hundred of the enemy lying dead before his gun position and an additional six within the emplacement. An indomitable fighter, Corporal Daigle, by his intrepid initiative and resolute fortitude in the face of almost certain death, contributed essentially to the virtual annihilation of a Japanese infantry company and to the rapid consolidation of the beachhead. His great personal valor and self-sacrificing devotion to duty throughout reflect the highest credit upon Corporal Daigle and upon the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.