The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Second Lieutenant (Air Corps) Uzal Girard Ent, U.S. Army Air Corps, for heroism while participating in an aerial flight, as side to First Lieutenant Paul Evert, Air Corps, pilot, during the national balloon race starting from Bettis Field, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 30 May 1928. Their balloon was struck by lightning or received a heave charge of electricity during a severe electrical storm while over Youngwood, Pa. at an altitude of approximately 1,200 feet, instantly killing the pilot setting the balloon on fire, and severely shocking and partially paralyzing Lieutenant Ent. He endeavored to relieve his pilot, not being sure that he had been killed, but was unsuccessful. Although the balloon was burning and slipping, he maneuvered it to land safely without injury to private property. When the balloon collapsed about 20 feet above the ground the remaining hydrogen bas burned quickly, destroying the envelope and net. Disregarding his own personal safety and with great devotion to duty, Lieutenant Ent stayed with the balloon at the risk of his life instead of landing with his parachute. His courage, Daring, and heroism reflect great credit upon himself and the Army of the United States.