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The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918 (amended by act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross (Air Force) to Major Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Pilot of an F-86 Sabrejet Fighter of the 334th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, 4th Fighter-Interceptor Group, FIFTH Air Force, in action against enemy forces in the Republic of Korea on 8 September 1952. Leading a flight of four F-86s protecting fighter-bombers from possible attack by enemy MiGs, Major Blesse positioned his flight for an attack on four sighted MiGs. Singling out one of the MiGs, Major Blesse followed it up into an overcast and broke out between layers of clouds. As the two aircraft emerged from the clouds, Major Blesse was still in position, so he closed and fired, causing the MiG to burst into flames and the pilot to eject himself. Major Blesse then sighted a lone MiG, and positioned himself for another attack. The MiG began violent, evasive maneuvers, but through superior airmanship Major Blesse scored hits, causing the MiG to snap and spin. Major Blesse followed closely until the MiG recovered. He then scored hits with another long burst which caused the pilot to eject himself. Through his courage, keen flying ability and devotion to duty, Major Blesse reflected great credit upon himself, the Far East Air Forces, and the United States Air Force.

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Air Force




    366th Tactical Fighter Wing


    DaNang Air Base, Republic of Vietnam

    Action Date:

    December 14, 1967

    Headquarters, Pacific Air Force, Special Order G-1553 (May 25, 1968)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Silver Star to Colonel Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force as an F-4C Aircraft Commander of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing, PACIFIC Air Force, DaNang Air Base, in action near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam, on 14 December 1967. On that date, Colonel Blesse was directed to deliver his ordnance in this extremely hostile area despite low, overcast clouds and limited visibility. On ingress to the target, his aircraft was hit by intense anti-aircraft fire resulting in an immediate fire light in the cockpit. Without any hesitation or regard for his own personal safety, Colonel Blesse led his flight on to the target and successfully completed the mission. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Colonel Blesse has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Silver Star


    United States Air Force




    334th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron


    4th Fighter-Interceptor Group


    5th Air Force

    Action Date:

    September 4, 1952

    Headquarters, Far East Air Forces, General Orders No. 579 (November 17, 1952)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United Nations as Pilot of an F-86 Sabrejet Fighter-bomber of the 334th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, 4th Fighter-Interceptor Group, FIFTH Air Force, on 4 September 1952. Leading a flight of four F-86s on patrol, Major Blesse directed two of his flight to return to base as a result of faulty wing tank feeding on one F-86. After initiating an attack on two sighted MiGs, Major Blesse was about to close when three more MiGs positioned behind him and his wingman. Realizing the seriousness of his position, Major Blesse broke, and after a series of evasive actions ending in a maximum performance diving turn, he shook off the enemy aircraft. As he returned to his patrol, a three-ship enemy flight was sighted. As Major Blesse pressed his attack, two of the enemy broke into the overcast. Concentrating on the remaining MiG, he closed to 1,000 feet, following the enemy through a series of violent evasive actions as he attempted to shake free. Firing, Major Blesse scored hits on the fuselage, mid-section and wing roots, causing the pilot to eject himself when the MiG broke into flame. Through his skillful airmanship and gallantry in action against a determined enemy, Major Blesse reflected great credit upon himself, the FAR EAST Air Forces, and the United States Air Force.

  • Legion of Merit


    United States Air Force




    366th Tactical Fighter Wing

    Action Date:

    April 9, 1967 – April 10, 1968

    Headquarters, Pacific Air Force, Special Order G-179 (July 23, 1968)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 20 July 1942, takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Colonel Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as Deputy Commander for Operations, 366th Tactical Fighter Wing, DaNang Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, from 9 April 1967 to 10 April 1968. In this important assignment, the leadership, outstanding planning ability, and ceaseless efforts consistently demonstrated by Colonel Blesse resulted in significant contributions to the combat effectiveness and mission success of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing and the commitments of the United States in the Republic of Vietnam. His judgment and combat decisions in the air actions over North Vietnam were of immeasurable value to efforts of the United States in Southeast Asia. The superior initiative, outstanding leadership, and personal endeavor displayed by Colonel Blesse reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force




    366th Tactical Fighter Wing

    Action Date:

    May 12, 1967

    Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces, Special Order G-1193 (August 13, 1967)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Third Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Fourth Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross with Combat “V” to Colonel Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for heroism while participating in aerial flight as an F-4C Aircraft Commander in Southeast Asia on 12 May 1967. On that date Colonel Blesse was assigned to escort sixteen F-105’s against a vital military target in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam while under intense hostile ground fire and surface-to-air missiles. A flight of five MiG-17’s was driven away from the F-105’s during a successful entry and exit without losses. The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Colonel Blesse reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force




    366th Tactical Fighter Wing

    Action Date:

    Vietnam War

    United States Military Academy Register of Graduates

    (Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: Colonel Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, was awarded a Silver Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Sixth Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an F-4C Aircraft Commander of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing, DaNang Air Base, PACIFIC Air Force, in Southeast Asia, in 1967/1968. His devotion to duty and courage under all conditions serve as an inspiration to his fellow flyers. His actions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

  • Air Force Distinguished Service Medal


    United States Air Force


    Major General

    Action Date:

    November 19, 1973 – March 31, 1975

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal to Major General Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States. General Blesse distinguished himself as the Senior Air Force Member, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and as the Deputy Inspector General, Headquarters United States Air Force from 19 November 1973 to 31 March 1975. During this period, General Blesse’s forceful leadership, initiative, and determination advanced the tactical application of airpower and greatly enhanced the security of Air force resources worldwide. His innovative and imaginative guidance and direction resulted in substantial improvements in the security of Air Force resources worldwide, particularly for arms and munitions. Through diligence, perceptiveness, and tenacity, he has made a major and lasting contribution toward advancing the combat effectiveness of the United States Air Force and in furthering the security of the nation. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General Blesse culminate an long and distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force


    Major [then Captain]


    334th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron

    Action Date:

    May 25, 1952

    United States Military Academy Register of Graduates

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Major [then Captain] Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight. On 25 May 1952, Major Blesse distinguished himself by extraordinary achievement and heroism against enemies of the United Nations in Korea. As leader of a flight of F-86’s assigned to furnish high protection cover for a photo-reconnaissance plane Major Blesse observed two MiG’s heading for the area preparing to attack the RF-80. He quickly positioned his flight for an aggressive attack then followed through. Major Blesse closed to 1,000 feet range firing several short bursts. Strikes covered the entire enemy aircraft, pieces started falling off and the aircraft began smoking profusely. As the two MiG’s escaped across the Yalu River the pilot in the damaged aircraft ejected himself and the MiG crashed just across the border in Manchuria. Through Major Blesse’s cool thinking in a tactical situation, one MiG-15 was destroyed and an important reconnaissance mission completed. The superlative airmanship and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Major Blesse on this occasion is indicative of his conduct throughout his entire combat tour, reflecting great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force




    334th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron

    Action Date:

    August 6, 1952

    United States Military Academy Register of Graduates

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Major Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement and heroism while participating in aerial combat against enemies of the United Nations Forces in Korea on 6 August 1952. As flight leader of four F-86’s on a reciprocal patrol near Sinuiju, Major Blesse sighted a flight of four MiG’s at 15,000 feet. Dividing his flight into two elements, he attacked the enemy formation. Expertly positioning himself behind a MiG, he fired a long burst observing several strikes, however, an additional flight of MiG-15 aircraft forced Major Blesse to break off and allow the damaged MiG to withdraw. In the ensuing battle, Major Blesse sighted another enemy aircraft and despite this aircraft’s violent evasive maneuvers he succeeded in firing several short bursts which caused the MiG to erupt into a mass of flame. This enemy aircraft crashed on the south end of Ta Tung Keu Airfield. Major Blesse’s tenacious attack in the face of overwhelming odds contributed largely to the success of the mission and resulted in his personal destruction of one MiG and damage of another reflecting the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Air Force Distinguished Service Medal


    United States Air Force


    Major General

    Action Date:

    July 12, 1971 – November 5, 1973

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal to Major General Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States. General Blesse distinguished himself as Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, from 12 July 1971 to 5 November 1973. In this important assignment, the forceful leadership, and the outstanding and dedicated efforts of General Blesse were significantly displayed in the furtherance of United States objectives in the Pacific Theater of Operations. His imaginative, progressive, and distinctive accomplishments were greatly responsible for the highest state of combat readiness of the Pacific Air Forces. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of General Blesse reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force




    334th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron

    Action Date:

    January 1, 1951

    United States Military Academy Register of Graduates

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Frederick Corbin Blesse (AFSN: 0-17010A), United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight on 1 January 1951. Captain Blesse displayed outstanding airmanship and navigational skill while leading his flight through sub-marginal weather over hazardous terrain to the target area at Koensong, Korea. Captain Blesse pinpointed and attacked a strong enemy position with bombs, rockets and machine gun fire. Despite intense enemy anti-aircraft fire, Captain Blesse continued to press his attack. Fully aware that his aircraft had sustained damage from enemy ground fire, Captain Blesse continued his attack until all ordnance had been expended. As a direct result of this mission Captain Blesse and his wingman inflicted over two-hundred casualties upon the enemy and forced the remaining enemy troops to withdraw in complete disorder. Return to base was successfully accomplished despite the hazardous weather and lack of navigational aids. By his high personal courage, aeronautical skill, and devotion to duty Captain Blesse has brought great credit upon himself, his parent organization, and the United States Air Force.