The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Webb D. Sawyer (MCSN: 0-7847), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Commanding Officer of the First Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Korea from 22 to 25 April 1951. In the face of mounting enemy resistance on 22 April, Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer courageously moved among the foremost elements of his command, boldly exposing himself to intense hostile fire in order to direct his battalion in attacking and seizing strongly defended enemy positions. When a numerically superior enemy force launched a concerted night attack and penetrated an adjacent friendly unit, leaving his left flank completely exposed, he skillfully deployed his men to meet the threat before moving to a forward command post from which he could effectively observe and control the action. Remaining in this exposed position throughout the night and the following morning despite the imminent danger of enemy encirclement, he personally directed the repulse of repeated hostile thrusts and the containing of a dangerous penetration of the center of the line after bitter hand-to-hand fighting. When the enemy withdrew to the immediate front of the battalion shortly before daylight, simultaneously delivering a fierce volume of fire and sending a large force to envelop the penetrated unit on the left flank, he coolly supervised the evacuation of casualties and steadfastly refused to relinquish his exposed position until all had reached safety and he was ordered to assume new defensive positions. Selecting locations for defenses for the night after skillfully guiding the battalion over tortuous mountain trails to the assigned area, he conducted his unit in inflicting severe losses on the hostile force, continuing his engagement of the enemy throughout the night and remaining with the last elements of his command until the withdrawal of two friendly regiments had been covered. His inspiring leadership, aggressive determination and valiant devotion to duty in the face of constant attack and overwhelming odds were contributing factors in containing the hostile attack and in securing the vital left flank of the Division, thereby reflecting the highest credit upon Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer and the United States Naval Service.