The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Staff Sergeant William B. Chain, Jr. (MCSN: 1092552), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as a Squad Leader of Company F, Second Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Korea on the night of 13 August 1952. Although painfully wounded and blinded by an exploding hostile grenade after he personally accounted for six enemy dead when his squad’s forward outpost was attacked and surrounded by an overwhelming enemy force employing intense mortar, artillery and small-arms fire, Staff Sergeant Chain courageously refused evacuation and quickly reorganized his squad, skillfully directing its fire and calling in supporting arms fire. With the outpost subjected to savage attacks of artillery and mortar barrages followed by wave after wave of assaulting infantrymen, he staunchly refused medical aid and gallantly continued to direct the defense of his position for over a three-hour period, shouting words of encouragement to his men and inspiring them to hold the outpost until reinforcements arrived to relieve his beleaguered squad. By his indomitable fighting spirit, resolute fortitude and great personal valor in the face of heavy odds, Staff Sergeant Chain served to inspire all who observed him and his unfaltering devotion to duty reflects the highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the United States Naval Service.