Navy Federal Credit Union

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to First Lieutenant Horace L. Johnson, Jr. (MCSN: 0-41906), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Executive Officer of Company H, Third Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Korea on 28 and 29 November 1950. When a numerically superior hostile force employing large quantities of mortars and hand grenades penetrated the center of his company’s lines, inflicting heavy casualties and cutting off all communications, First Lieutenant Johnson voluntarily left his covered position and proceeded to the platoon position on the right of the penetration to secure first-hand information of the exact situation. Although continually subjected to heavy enemy fire, he reached the right flank position and, after determining the extent of the penetration and the situation of the platoon, immediately moved to the Battalion Command Post and requested reinforcements. Personally leading the additional troops to his company’s position, he skillfully placed them in the lines and succeeded in containing the enemy penetration. Despite shock suffered when a hostile rifle bullet struck his helmet and temporarily stunned him, he unhesitatingly continued his efforts to repel the enemy. As the enemy attack increased in intensity and threatened to overrun his positions, he organized a group of Marines and led the men in a successful counterattack, repulsing the enemy and regaining the company’s original positions. His outstanding courage, leadership and initiative reflect the highest credit upon First Lieutenant Johnson and the United States Naval Service.

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Marine Corps


    First Lieutenant


    3d Battalion


    1st Marines


    1st Marine Division (Rein.)

    Action Date:

    April 23 & 24, 1951

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Silver Star to First Lieutenant Horace L. Johnson, Jr. (MCSN: 0-41906), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Commanding Officer of Company G, Third Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), during operations against enemy aggressor forced in Korea, on 23 and 24 April 1951. Receiving the brunt of a fierce enemy night-long attack while reorganizing his positions, First Lieutenant Johnson bravely moved along the lines through the bitter fighting and, despite heavy hostile frontal fire, assisted the wounded, re-distributed ammunition and kept the battalion commander informed of the ever changing situation. Although his company was continually engaged by the enemy while carrying out its assigned rear-guard mission of covering the battalion re-deployment on 24 April, he skillfully maintained tactical control of his unit, permitting the battalion to evacuate almost two hundred dead and wounded and, at the same time, inflict heavy casualties on the determined hostile forces. By his marked courage, inspiring leadership and steadfast devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Johnson contributed materially to the success achieved by his battalion and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  • Silver Star


    United States Marine Corps


    First Lieutenant


    3d Battalion


    1st Marines


    1st Marine Division (Rein.)

    Action Date:

    March 3, 1951

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First Lieutenant Horace L. Johnson, Jr. (MCSN: 0-41906), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Commanding Officer of Company G, Third Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), during operations against enemy aggressor forced in Korea, on 3 March 1951. With his company pinned down by intense fire emanating from a heavily fortified enemy position during an advance against a vital objective in the vicinity of Hoengsong, First Lieutenant Johnson fearlessly moved through heavy machine-gun, small-arms and mortar fire to locate an advantageous position for establishing a base of fire with his light machine guns. Finding an ideal location approximately 100 yards forward of his own lines, he quickly re-crossed the fire-swept terrain, personally led the machine-gun section to the new position and then, directing the assault units in a brilliantly executed attack, succeeded in seizing the assigned objective with minimum casualties among his own troops. By his courageous and determined leadership, bold tactics and dauntless perseverance throughout the furious encounter, First Lieutenant Johnson contributed materially to the success achieved by his battalion and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.