The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Lieutenant Colonel Joseph J. Louder (MCSN: 1093178), United States Marine Corps, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service with the FIRST Marine Division in Republic of Vietnam, from 26 October 1969, to 22 September 1970. As executive officer of the FIRST Tank Battalion, and later reassigned as battalion commander on 13 November 1969, Colonel, then a Major, Louder provided superb fire support to assigned units and repeatedly disregarded his own safety as he boldly moved to forward positions to maneuver his tank sections against hostile forces. He also established an effective supply system and developed a maintenance program which ensured the availability of vehicles to meet operational requirements. Serving additionally as commander of the Southern Sector Defense Command, he planned and supervised the execution of more than 50 patrols and ambushes daily in defense of the DaNang vital area and established a protective barrier which greatly enhanced the security of major installations. Reassigned as assistant operations officer, G-3 Section, FIRST Marine Division, he ably supervised the myriad activities of the operations center and implemented operating procedures to thwart persistent attempts by the enemy to infiltrate friendly areas. On 4 June Colonel Louder assumed command of the FIRST Motor Transport Battalion. Under his dynamic leadership, the battalion transported passengers, delivered tons of cargo and logged miles with maximum safety. Constantly concerned for the well-being of his men, Colonel Louder increased base security activities and initiated many improvements in living and working facilities. Furthermore, he directed a vigorous civic action program and was instrumental in sending eight Vietnamese children to the United States for lifesaving open heart surgery. His resolute determination and seemingly unlimited resourcefulness earned the respect and admiration of all who served with him and contributed immeasurably to the accomplishment of his command’s mission. By his leadership, professional acumen, initiative and unwavering devotion to duty, Lieutenant Colonel Louder rendered distinguished service to his country and thereby upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.