Navy Federal Credit Union

The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Hospital Corpsman Waller J. Parker (NSN: 7992748), United States Naval Reserve, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as a Corpsman attached to a Marine Infantry Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces near Yudam-ni, Korea on 29 November 1950. With the platoon reinforcing a friendly unit in defense of a strategic ridge during a strong enemy night attack, Parker bravely moved through a hail of fire to aid six men critically wounded by an intense hostile mortar barrage. Although the ridge was devoid of cover, he boldly administered treatment to the casualties while fully exposed to the enemy fire and supervised their evacuation to positions of comparative safety on the reverse slope. Despite a painful face wound sustained early in the action, he continually moved among the men in total darkness and sub-zero weather, administering to casualties while exposed to close-range hostile fire throughout six consecutive enemy attacks. Unable to perform his duties while wearing gloves, he continued to work in the bitter cold until his hands became severely frost bitten and, when the medical supplies were expended, constantly spoke words of encouragement to the wounded while keeping them as comfortable as possible. Seizing a weapon during one particularly violent enemy assault, Parker assisted in defending the stricken men in his charge and, although seriously wounded a second time when nearing the end of the night- long engagement, gallantly refused aid for himself until all the casualties had been evacuated. By his daring initiative, fortitude and selfless efforts in behalf of his comrades, he served to inspire all who observed him and aided immeasurably in the saving of many lives. His outstanding courage, skill and steadfast devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon Parker and the United States Naval Service.

Awards Received