Navy Federal Credit Union

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant David Lee Hyde (MCSN: 0-53273), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as a Platoon Commander of Company H, Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Korea on 27 October 1952. When his platoon was assigned a zone of action necessitating a direct frontal assault on three enemy machine-gun positions while the company was engaged in an attempt to seize a vitally important hill mass which had been overrun by hostile forces on the previous night, Second Lieutenant Hyde bravely led his men up the slope through intense enemy small-arms, mortar and artillery fire in a daring effort to neutralize the hostile strong points. With his platoon pinned down by heavy enemy fire near its goal after repeated attempts to reach the objective, he quickly reorganized the unit and gallantly led his men up the hill and into the hostile trenches, throwing grenades and firing his carbine while working his way through the trench lines. Locating an enemy infantryman who was attempting to escape, Second Lieutenant Hyde promptly assisted in subduing the hostile soldier, returned the prisoner to the rear and led his unit in clearing the remainder of the trenches and bunkers, killing the occupants and repeatedly exposing himself to enemy sniper and mortar fire to obtain ammunition for his men. Learning that a member of his platoon had been wounded and inadvertently left behind after the lines had been relieved by another company and his unit had been withdrawn for the purposes of reorganization, he again braved the deadly enemy fire in an effort to seek out the casualty, and was mortally wounded while carrying the stricken man to safety. Second Lieutenant Hyde’s exceptional bravery and superb leadership served to inspire his men to heroic endeavor in securing the objective. His indomitable courage, valiant fighting spirit and selfless efforts in behalf of a fellow Marine reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Awards Received