The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Commander John William Thornton (NSN: 0-391003), United States Naval Reserve, for heroic conduct in effecting the rescue of the co-pilot of a U.S. Navy helicopter which crashed and burned in a wooded area near Medford, New Jersey, on 15 August 1960, killing the pilot upon impact. Occupying a rear passenger seat in the helicopter, Commander Thornton managed to free himself from the wreckage and, although his flight clothing was saturated with gasoline and his shoulder badly injured, re-entered the helicopter with another passenger to remove the helpless co-pilot to safety. Moments later, the aircraft was consumed by intense fire. By his instinctive leadership, cool courage, and selfless efforts in risking his own life to save that of another, he upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.