The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Soldier’s Medal to Sergeant First Class Donald S. Workman, United States Army, for heroism above and beyond the call of duty on 11 September 2001, after a hijacked airline flight, with over 30,000 pounds of jet fuel was used by international terrorists as a weapon to attack the Pentagon. Upon impact there was a thunderous explosion and a horrific fire that killed scores of military and civilian personnel, injured hundreds of others, and left most everyone in a state of shock. Sergeant First Class Workman calmly directed 100 to 200 people to a safe escape route. Then without regard for his own life, he stripped off his shirt, soaked it with water, and wrapped it around his face to use as a breathing filter to enter the burning building. Armed with a small fire extinguisher he proceeded into the smoky burning collapsed hallway looking for anyone that might be trapped or hurt. Only after hitting a blocked door did he turn around and try to find another way in. Coming across a Navy lieutenant that was severely burned and going into shock, Sergeant First Clas Workman started first aid treatment and evacuated him. He stayed with the lieutenant all the way to Walter Reed Hospital. Sergeant First Class Workman’s heroic acts are a testament to his bravery and reflect great credit upon himself, the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps, and the United States Army.