Thomas Conway graduated from Niagara University in New York with a B.A. in 1930, and then finished his education at Our Lady of Angels Seminary, in Niagara Falls, in 1934. He was ordained a Catholic Priest on May 25, 1934, and served as Assistant at Saint BridgetÕs Church in Buffalo, New York. In 1942 he enlisted in the Navy and was commissioned as a chaplain, serving at sea first aboard the U.S.S. Medusa, and then the U.S.S. Indianapolis. When the U.S.S. Indianapolis was sunk in 1945, he became the last chaplain to die in World War II. Private efforts were mounted over the years to have the Navy award him the Navy Cross, and in 2015 these calls were rejected, saying that Navy regulations require that nominating soldiers for awards should be of higher rank than the nominee. Not one of the survivors of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, when he died in 1945, met that requirement. Ultimately, however, in 2021, the Navy changed its position and posthumously awarded him the Navy Cross.