Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Airman’s Medal


    United States Air Force


    Chief Master Sergeant

    Action Date:

    September 11, 2001

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Airman’s Medal to Chief Master Sergeant Paul D. Miller, United States Air Force, for heroism involving voluntary risk of life at the Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia, on 11 September 2001. On that date, Chief Miller was on leave and running near the Pentagon when terrorists crashed a commercial airliner into the building. Approaching the area, he immediately came across several individuals who were in shock and in need of assistance, conducted medical condition assessments and directed them away from the crash site. He then quickly moved toward the impact area seeking an access point into the building searching for survivors. Without protective clothing, the severe heat singed his arms and he was forced to abandon the effort. Chief Miller then focused his efforts on trailers and vehicles that were on fire nearby, looking for those in need of medical assistance. With warnings of another aircraft inbound to the Pentagon, he assisted police in evacuating south parking and clearing people out of the area who had been seeking refuge in their vehicles. When the upper level of the damaged outer ring finally collapsed and no more survivors were observed coming out of the impact area, he turned his attention toward aiding the injured. He was instrumental in setting up medical treatment areas, gathering supplies and procuring shelter to care for the injured. He also helped to unload emergency response helicopters and vehicles, and directed personnel to specific treatment areas. When finally relieved, he had spent over 26 hours assisting in recovery efforts. By his courageous action and humanitarian regard for his fellowman, Chief Miller has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.