The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 20 July 1942, takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit (Army Award) to Lieutenant Colonel Robert O. Bowen (MCSN: 0-4867), United States Marine Corps, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States in the Southwest Pacific Area from 26 December 1943 to 3 May 1944. Lieutenant Colonel Bowen, by his superior energy and initiative, performed outstanding services as Head of the G-2 Ground Section, General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area. The duties, involving the collection and assessment of enemy ground strength and dispositions and preparation of special tactical studies and estimates, required a high degree of accuracy and professional ability. He served in addition as a member of the G-2 Planning Group and Liaison Officer with Australian Land Headquarters. Throughout this period, Lieutenant Colonel Bowen’s ability and devotion to duty were notable contributions to the success of operations.