Charles Larkin graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut, Class of , Class of 1949. From 1981 to 1982 he returned to the Academy as Superintendent. He retired as a U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral in 1984.
Charles Larkin graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut, Class of , Class of 1949. From 1981 to 1982 he returned to the Academy as Superintendent. He retired as a U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral in 1984.
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The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Distinguished Service Medal to Vice Admiral Charles Earll Larkin, United States Coast Guard, for exceptionally meritorious service to the Government of the United States in a position of great responsibility as Commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area and Commander, Twelfth Coast Guard District from June 1982 to July 1984. Drawing on his superb leadership and extensive experience, he met the demands of myriad complex problems as well as expanding roles and missions within the Pacific Area. Anticipating his designation as the first Commander, United States Maritime Defense Zone, Pacific, Vice Admiral Larkin strengthened relations with the Navy and started basic planning to implement this important national security effort. By focusing on military readiness training, reprogramming personnel resources and pursuing an aggressive law enforcement posture, he improved the operational capabilities of units throughout the Pacific Area. His interest in and support of the National effort to reduce the importation of illegal drugs and his solid understanding of organizational relationships and how to make them work greatly facilitated the establishment and smooth functioning of the Pacific Regional Center of NNBIS. Vice Admiral Larkin instituted an aggressive fuel conservation program which resulted in thousands of dollars becoming available for needed expenditures in cutter maintenance and improvements. An energetic and involved Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator for Federal Region TX, he oversaw the development and implementation of a new emergency communications capability which now serves as a national model for the organization’s communications system. Vice Admiral Larkin especially distinguished himself and the Coast Guard through his enthusiastic and highly effective representation of the Service at events throughout the Pacific Basin and Western United States, including his presence as the senior naval officer during the official state visit of the Queen of England in March 1983. Vice Admiral Larkin’s leadership, dedication and devotion to duty are most heartily commended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard.
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The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Rear Admiral Charles Earll Larkin, United States Coast Guard, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in his performance of outstanding service as Commander, Thirteenth Coast Guard District from June 1978 to July 1981. During this period he faced a wide variety of demanding challenges which required the application of extraordinary insight, judgment, leadership and perseverance. The successful meeting of these challenges is exemplified by the completion of a major expansion to the Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Service, on time and within budget, to be followed by the first joint vessel traffic management service between the United States and Canada; by the culmination of Federal enforcement of the contentious Washington State Fishery under the Holdt Decision; then a shift in emphasis to the offshore fisheries by regular attendance at, and participation in, the deliberations of the Pacific Fisheries Management Council. He was also instrumental in the execution of a precedent setting agreement with the Oregon State Pilotage Commission, and the establishment of operational standards for small boat stations to assure adequate and timely action with limited personnel. These standards were complemented by an annual Ready for Operations evaluation which measured the significant improvement in response posture. Rear Admiral LARKTN initiated voluntary examinations for un-inspected towing and fishing vessels; and he provided positive and dynamic leadership in the Coast Guard’s Human Relations Programs, including a pioneering Civil Rights program devised in the Thirteenth District which greatly improved the interest and response of the Coast Guardsmen throughout the District. The citizens of the Pacific Northwest are vigorous and often vocal advocates of maintaining the superb quality of the life of the region. Through his frequent and regular interaction with individuals and organizations throughout the District, Rear Admiral Larkin has garnered enthusiastic support for the Coast Guard through community initiated activities such as Coast Guard week, 25 through 31 January 1981, in the Seattle area. Rear Admiral Larkin’s exceptional ability, inspiring leadership and zealous devotion to duty are most heartily commended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard.