Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Coast Guard Medal


    United States Coast Guard


    Yeoman Third Class

    Action Date:

    June 3, 1972

    U.S. Coast Guard Historian’s Office

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Medal to Yeoman Third Class Michael Bruce Nelson, United States Coast Guard, for heroism on the afternoon of 3 June 1972 while on authorized liberty from Coast Guard Station Coos Bay, when he rescued a 12-year old girl from drowning in the turbulent surf at Bastendorf Beach, Charleston, Oregon. The girl and a friend were among a group of Girl Scouts on an outing at the beach and were both swept out to sea as they were wading and playing on a rubber air mattress. One girl managed to hold her position until bystanders from the beach threw her a rope and pulled her to safety. The other girl, meanwhile, was drifting further away from shore. Petty Officer Nelson, advised that a person was in the surf, immediately proceeded to the scene and sighted the girl approximately 100 yards offshore treading water and having great difficulty staying afloat in the breaking six to eight-foot surf. Without hesitation, he plunged into the cold water and swam through continuous rows of breakers using all the strength he could muster to reach the girl. After placing her on his back and securing her arms about his neck, to keep her from being torn away by violent action of the battering surf, Petty Officer Nelson continued fighting his way through the merciless breakers in an attempt to reach calmer water outside the surf line. Although becoming weaker with each breaker, he continued his efforts until arrival of a Coast Guard rescue boat. After being pulled to safety, Petty Officer Nelson, though weak, cold, and very tired, assisted in treating the young girl for shock while en route to shore. Petty Officer Nelson demonstrated remarkable initiative, exceptional fortitude, and daring in spite of imminent personal danger in this rescue mission. His unselfish actions and unwavering devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Coast Guard.