The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Medal to Storekeeper Second Class Astrubal J. Cruz, United States Coast Guard, for extraordinary heroism on the afternoon of Mother’s Day, Sunday, 9 May 1999, in a time of crisis while on liberty at Sacred Falls Park, Oahu, Hawaii. Petty Officer Cruz, in company with three other U.S.C.G.C. JARVIS crewmembers, was hiking in the Sacred Falls State Park when an unexpected landslide occurred, dumping tons of rock and debris on dozens of unsuspecting civilian hikers and campers. This catastrophic event killed eight people and injured scores of others. Demonstrating a total disregard for his own personal safety, Petty Officer Cruz heroically entered a dangerous rockslide strike area, rendering emergency first aid under dangerous conditions, with rocks still falling, moved to assist a woman whose leg had been crushed by a falling rock. Petty Officer Cruz moved rapidly to stop the bleeding with a towel, making a crude splint so that he and one of his shipmates could carry her to safety. Literally holding her leg together with his hands, keeping her blood loss to a minimum, Petty Officer Cruz comforted this critically injured woman while remaining in the triage area as people died around him. He showed fortitude in a situation of carnage and destruction, and provided encouragement and guidance to other rescuers for approximately three and a half hours. Petty Officer Cruz’s unselfish actions definitely saved the life of this woman and undoubtedly contributed to the saving of the lives of several others. His courage and devotion to duty are most heartily commended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard.