The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Medal to Boatswain’s Mate Second Class Richard Ronald Callahan, United States Coast Guard, for heroism on the evening of April 30, 1967 while engaged in searching for two teen-age boys reportedly stranded at the Duluth Entry North Breakwater Light, Minnesota. Twin 16-year old boys and a brother had been seen running along the jetty challenging the 10 to 15-foot waves when witnesses observed a huge wave sweep one boy into the water. When two boys were reported stranded at the light, Petty Officer Callahan and two comrades volunteered to attempt the rescue. Lashing themselves together, the three men proceeded, with hand lanterns as the only illumination, to the end of the breakwater. Despite the high waves, winds gusting to 40 knots, driving rain, and 36 degree water, the rescue party diligently searched the breakwater and light but found no trace of the boys. While returning to the beach a 20-foot wave swept the lead man off the jetty nearly causing the loss of all three men. Petty Officer Callahan in attempting to retrieve his fellow Coastguardsman suffered a broken wrist and severe body bruises. In spite of excruciating pain, through sheer determination, Petty Officer Callahan and his companion managed to pull their teammate onto the beach, where all efforts to revive him failed. Petty Officer Callahan’s courage, unselfish actions, perseverance and unwavering devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Coast Guard.