Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy


    Torpedoman’s Mate First Class


    Fort Mill, Corregidor, Philippine Islands

    Action Date:

    January 1, 1942 – April 10, 1942

    Board Awards Meeting: December 24, 1942

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Torpedoman’s Mate First Class William Carter Boston, United States Navy, for performing his duties (with his listed comrades) gallantly, with marked skill and coolness and on frequent occasions at the risk of his life over and above the call of duty while attached to the Submarine Detachment, Fort Mills, Corregidor, Philippine Islands, during the period of 1 January 1942 to 10 April 1942, in the face of extremely severe attacks by enemy aircraft and land batteries.
    (a) On or about 25 January 1942, 4,000 rounds of A.A. ammunition were removed from the U.S.S. TROUT (SS-202) and gold bullion loaded board her in such an expeditious manner that it enabled her to rectify her trim as required to avoid immediate enemy air action at daylight.
    (B) on the night of 13 February 1942, they unloaded a provisioning lighter at South Warf, from dusk to daylight, under intense shellfire from enemy batteries on the South Shore after troops assigned to this duty had been withdrawn because of intense enemy fire.
    (C) on or about 15 March 1942, the enemy having shelled the area of the South Docks with considerable destruction to installations, and casualties to our personnel, it was required that 11 torpedoes be loaded from this dock in order that they might be placed aboard the U.S.S. PERMIT (SS-178). This group were volunteers for this duty. Installations on the pier which had been damaged by enemy fire were repaired and torpedoes were loaded during actual shelling by the enemy throughout the entire period of this activity, enabling the PERMIT to be loaded before moonrise and to proceed on her assigned mission. The expeditious manner in which this assignment was carried out in the face of heavy shellfire from enemy batteries from the South Shore and with the ever-present danger of enemy air attack in an exposed position which afforded no cover was considered exceptionally worthy of commendation and these men were commended verbally by Rear Admiral Rockwell, then Commandant, SIXTEENTH Naval District.
    (D) On the night of 8 April 1942, they carried out the complete destruction of eleven Mark XIV torpedoes and thirty Mark X torpedoes. TDC and other confidential fire-control equipment from the ex- U.S.S. SEALION, in order that this material should not fall in enemy hands. These actions were carried on during almost continuous night air attacks.
    (F) In addition during the period referred to they performed their regular assigned duties in exceptionally commendable fashion, under great difficulties and with lack of proper equipment, improvising tools and equipment as necessary. A total of 100 Mark XIV, 20 Mark X, 9 Mark VII and 6 Mark VII torpedoes were serviced and delivered to submarines, Marine Torpedo Boat Squadrons and Philippine “Q” Boat Squadrons. In addition they installed and manned three 50-caliber and six 30-caliber machine gun nests for the immediate defense of Headquarters’ tunnel.