The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant William T. Fidelibus, Jr., United States Navy, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as a Section Leader during a mission to find and destroy an SA-2 missile site in North Vietnam, on 12 August 1965. During the course of his search, his aircraft was suddenly hit by enemy ground fire. The aircraft suffered serious damage to the starboard wing and tail assembly. The wing and tail caught fire. Lieutenant Fidelibus elected to remain with the burning aircraft at least until he was able to reach the relative safety of the sea. Because of a complete loss of hydraulic pressure, horizontal trim, missing control surfaces and a jammed rudder, the aircraft was guided only by the sheer strength of both his hands on the control stick. The fire extinguished itself and, in spite of the tiring effort involved, Lieutenant Fidelibus attempted to return to his home carrier. Despite severe flight control problems, he managed to refuel several times in flight and continue for over 300 miles to the task force. Slow flight tests determined that the aircraft was uncontrollable in the landing configuration and that ejection was required. Lieutenant Fidelibus reluctantly left the crippled aircraft and was rescued immediately from the Gulf of Tonkin.