The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Seaman Robert T. Souter, United States Navy, for heroism while serving with the U.S. Naval Support Activity, DaNang, Republic of Vietnam, on 21 May 1966. While handling lines during a shifting of YC barges by the tug YTL-428, Seaman Souter saw a fellow line handler lose his balance and fall into the water between a pontoon causeway and an inboard barge. Noting that the causeway and the barge were rapidly closing in on the struggling victim, Seaman Souter plunged into the water, swam to the victim’s side and succeeded in towing him to the causeway, where both men were lifted to safety. By his prompt and courageous action in the face of great personal risk, Seaman Souter undoubtedly saved a shipmate from being crushed or drowned. His heroic efforts were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.