The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant Henry B. Anderson, Jr. (NSN: 0-103202), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving on the Staff of Commander FIRST Carrier Task Force, Pacific, on 11 May 1945. When the ship in which he was embarked was hit by two suicide dive bombers which started large fires, he immediately organized and led fire-fighting parties endeavoring to save aircraft and control the spread of fires on the hangar deck. In spite of dense smoke, and the danger of explosions of gasoline tanks, ammunition, and bombs, he personally manned a hose, and with great courage and complete disregard for his own safety, proceeded to the scene of serious fire and directed effective efforts to bring it under control. He later organized and led parties to recover personnel from smoke-filled compartments, and throughout the period prior to bringing the fires under control he displayed keen initiative, high skill, and inspiring leadership. His courageous example was at all times in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.