The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Aviation Fire Control Technician, Senior Chief Benjamin F. Rotter, United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States during the period from June 1958 to July 1960 as Supervisor of the Aviation Fire Control Shop, Attack Squadron 44, U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. In 1959, when the need arose for a unit which could test all the system components of the AERO 18 LABS delivery system, Senior Chief Rotter built, from salvage, manufacturing those parts he could not find, a portable tester which could check out the entire LABS system under conditions similar tot hose normally encountered in flight. Built at no cost to the Navy, this test unit aids materially in maintaining the AERO 18 LABS system at peak effectiveness. In February 1960, when the need arose for a low-cost, two-place airborne radar aircraft with which to train A4D-2N replacement pilots in the use of the AN/APG-53A radar, Senior Chief Rotter designed and supervised the prototype installation of the radar in an AD-5 aircraft. Subsequent flights have proved this installation to be highly reliable and eminently satisfactory for training purposes, with present indications that the trainer will be adopted for Fleet radar training in both the Atlantic and Pacific naval air commands. Through his outstanding technical skill, initiative, and determined efforts, Senior Chief Rotter made a significant contribution to the attainment of his squadron’s mission to train replacement pilots for the Fleet. In addition, he was instrumental in effecting considerable financial savings to the Navy.