The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Hospital Corpsman Second Class Dennis L. Noah (NSN: B-509318), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while serving as the Senior Corpsman of Company H, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in the Republic of Vietnam, on 10 September 1967. During Operation SWIFT, the First Platoon of Company H, with Petty Officer Noah attached, conducted a security patrol separated from the company by 1,000 meters. The platoon came under heavy close range small arms, machine gun, and mortar fire from a numerically superior enemy and was temporarily pinned down. Without hesitation, Petty Officer Noah, with total disregard for his life, crawled among the dead and wounded Marines on the field of fire to render aid to many severely wounded Marines within 10 meters of the entrenched enemy. Although he was painfully wounded, he repeatedly crawled from one wounded Marine to another and administered medical aid while shielding each Marine from enemy fire with his own body. Petty Officer Noah remained in an exposed position for more than four hours, dragging bodies of dead Marines in front of the wounded to give them cover. After his medical supplies were depleted, he packed open wounds and fashioned tourniquets with pieces of utility uniforms. When one enemy soldier crawled forward and attempted to capture a wounded Marine, Petty Officer Noah shot him in the face at close range. Upon the arrival and attack by the remainder of Company H, while still under direct enemy fire and within 40 meters of impacting friendly fire, he and others evacuated all wounded Marines to relative safety. He then immediately organized a casualty collection point, prioritized the wounded, and arranged for emergency helicopter evacuation of the casualties. By his bold initiative, undaunted courage, and unwavering dedication to duty, Petty Officer Noah reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.