The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal to Brigadier General Leroy J. Manor, United States Air Force, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States. General Manor distinguished himself as the Commander of a Joint United States Task Force from 8 August 1970 to 21 November 1970. During this period, General Manor commanded the humanitarian force whose mission was to search for and rescue United States military personnel held as prisoners of war deep within the territory. of North Vietnam. He conceived a brilliant tactical plan, carefully selected and helped train the volunteers with the necessary expertise to carry it out. Over a period of three months, he repeatedly simulated each phase of the operation, thereby insuring its faultless execution. General Manor’s brilliant talents of command and supervision resulted in a superbly trained joint task force. The mission was daring in concept and bold in execution. General Manor directed the operation from his command post with the highest degree of professionalism. Despite great hazard, the operation was conducted without the loss of a single American life. The singular efforts and outstanding achievement of General Manor are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Air Force and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.