The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Robert Atticks Black, Jr. (MCSN: 0-87392), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as the Commanding Officer of Company B, First Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Viet Nam. On 6 July 1968, Company B was occupying a defensive position on Hill 881 South in Quang Tri Province when the Marines suddenly came under an intense North Vietnamese mortar attack. Disregarding his own safety, Captain Black fearlessly maneuvered about the fire-swept terrain while directing the recovery of friendly casualties. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, he ably supervised the movement of his company to Hill 689, unhesitatingly exposing himself to hostile fire while ensuring that his men were expeditiously embarked aboard the extraction helicopters. Arriving at the designated area, he skillfully established his company in a defensive perimeter and directed his men to positions from which they could effectively support elements of the battalion operating in the area. When the battalion was attacked on the night of 7 July by a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army force, he immediately deployed a reinforcing platoon, enabling the Marines to successfully repulse the enemy. Despite a critical shortage of personnel and the imminent danger of hostile attack, Captain Black steadfastly refused to withdraw from his vital position. Subsequently, after numerous enemy probes, his company was assaulted by a numerically superior hostile force employing mortars and recoilless rifles. Ignoring the intense fire, he courageously moved about the hazardous area, encouraging his men and directing their fire upon the advancing hostile soldiers. Continuing his determined efforts, he skillfully adjusted extremely close artillery and 81-mm. mortar fire and aggressively controlled his company until the enemy was forced to flee in panic and confusion. His bold initiative and resolute determination were a source of great inspiration to his men and enabled his company to account for numerous enemy killed. By his courage, aggressive leadership and steadfast devotion to duty in the face of great personal danger, Captain Black contributed significantly to the accomplishment of his unit’s mission and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.