The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Hospital Corpsman Second Class [then Hospitalman] Caleb J. Sullivan (NSN: 9158021), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Corpsman attached to Company I, Third Battalion, Twelfth Marines, THIRD Marine Division, in connection with operations against insurgent communist (Viet Cong) forces in the Republic of Vietnam, on 28 December 1966. When his battery’s position at Cam Lo in Quang Tri Province came under heavy enemy mortar fire, Petty Officer Second Class Sullivan displayed exceptional professional skill and steadfast courage in assisting the wounded. Realizing that several Marines had been wounded during the mortar attack, he unhesitatingly exposed himself to intense enemy fire to assist them. While crossing an open area, he suffered fragments in both knees from an exploding mortar round. Undaunted, he continued to move about the area, administering first aid treatment and encouraging his wounded comrades. On one occasion, he crossed a fire-swept area approximately 200 meters from his position to render aid and assistance to another unit that did not have a Corpsman. Not until all the wounded were cared for did he accept medical aid for himself. His exceptional professional skill and unswerving determination undoubtedly saved the lives of numerous Marines, and inspired all who observed him. By his daring initiative, heroic actions, and selfless devotion to duty in the face of extreme personal danger, Petty Officer Sullivan upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.