Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Navy Cross


    United States Marine Corps




    1st Battalion


    11th Marines


    1st Marine Division (Forward)

    Action Date:

    October 5, 2010

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Sergeant Christopher B. Farias, United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving as an Assistant Squad Leader with First Battalion, Eleventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Forward), I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) Afghanistan, on 5 October 2010 in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. As Sergeant Farias’ squad and another squad were preparing to depart their patrol base on a night patrol in the hotly contested Kajaki region of Helmand Province, Taliban fighters unleashed an ambush of 73 millimeter recoilless rifle fire that inflicted at least seven Marine casualties, four requiring urgent medical attention. A heavy volume of small arms and machine gun fire then poured in on the Marines from three enemy positions. Despite suffering a concussion and neck and shoulder fragmentation wounds from the 73-mm. blasts, Sergeant Farias exposed himself to the unrelenting barrage of enemy fire, climbing onto the roof of the patrol base to engage the enemy with his rifle and grenade launcher and direct suppressive fire from two machine guns onto the enemy positions. His unhesitating actions allowed a reinforcing Marine squad to maneuver into the ambushed compound, clear the kill zone, and transport the friendly casualties to a landing zone 400 meters away. Refusing to seek treatment for his own wounds, Sergeant Farias steadfastly held his position on the roof providing protection for his fellow Marines until he and the last elements safely evacuated the patrol base. By his decisive actions, bold initiative, and complete dedication to duty, Sergeant Farias reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.