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Only one Medal of Honor was presented to a Japanese-American soldier during World War II, despite the fact that these soldiers, despite intense prejudice at home in the USA, were among the most decorated soldiers of the war. Following a review in the late 1990s of Distinguished Service Cross awards to Japanese Americans, the DSC previously awarded to Joe Nishimoto was upgraded to the Medal of Honor. The award was presented posthumously by President Bill Clinton on June 21, 2000. Joe was placed in the Relocation Camp at Jerome, Arkansas, shortly after the war broke out, but was rescued by his brother-in-law Sam Ishida and moved to Columbus, Ohio, where both men entered military service. They served side-by-side in the same squad throughout their war service in both Italy and France.

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Army


    Private First Class


    2d Battalion


    442d Regimental Combat Team

    Action Date:

    August 31, 1944

    Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, General Orders No. 47 (March 15, 1945)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Private First Class Joe M. Nishimoto (ASN: 35229917), United States Army, for gallantry in action while serving with Company G, 2d Battalion, 442d Infantry Regiment, in action against the enemy near Mantignano, Italy on 31 August 1944. As a member of a patrol instructed to make a bold daylight crossing of the Arno River to clear an area for occupation by his company, Private First Class Nishimoto as the first soldier to cross the river exposed himself to the enemy for 200 yards, and immediately covered the crossing of the balance of the patrol. While in the process of clearing the area, Private First Class Nishimoto on four different occasions located trip wires attached to anti-personnel mines and booby traps and guided the patrol over a safe route through the heavily mined area. When an enemy machine gun opened fire, he circled to the left, climbed a 20 foot embankment directly above the position and threw a grenade killing an officer. Despite the fact that a concussion grenade landed directly in front of him and failed to explode, he crawled to within 15 yards of the enemy and threw another grenade, badly wounding two men and forcing three others to surrender. Considerable ammunition and weapons including a transmitting and receiving set which was being used to direct enemy artillery were captured. Private First Class Nishimoto’s skill and ability and his courage in the face of gravest danger contributed greatly to the successful accomplishment of the mission and his actions reflect great credit upon himself and the Army of the United States.

  • Medal of Honor


    United States Army


    Private First Class


    2d Battalion


    442d Regimental Combat Team


    36th Infantry Division

    Action Date:

    November 7, 1944

    The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pride in presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumously) to Private First Class Joe M. Nishimoto (ASN: 35229917), United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Company G, 2d Battalion, 442d Regimental Combat Team, attached to the 36th Infantry Division, in action against the enemy on 7 November 1944, near La Houssiere, France. After three days of unsuccessful attempts by his company to dislodge the enemy from a strongly defended ridge, Private First Class Nishimoto, as acting squad leader, boldly crawled forward through a heavily mined and booby-trapped area. Spotting a machine gun nest, he hurled a grenade and destroyed the emplacement. Then, circling to the rear of another machine gun position, he fired his submachine gun at point-blank range, killing one gunner and wounding another. Pursuing two enemy riflemen, Private First Class Nishimoto killed one, while the other hastily retreated. Continuing his determined assault, he drove another machine gun crew from its position. The enemy, with their key strong points taken, were forced to withdraw from this sector. Private First Class Nishimoto’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.