The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Private James Henry Mills (ASN: 34792609), United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Company F, 2d Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, in action at Cisterna di Littoria, Italy on 24 May 1944. Private Mills, undergoing his baptism of fire, preceded his platoon down a draw to reach a position from which an attack could be launched against a heavily fortified strongpoint. After advancing about 300 yards, Private Mills was fired on by a machinegun only five yards distant. He killed the gunner with one shot and forced the surrender of the assistant gunner. Continuing his advance, he saw a German soldier in a camouflaged position behind a large bush pulling the pin of a potato-masher grenade. Covering the German with his rifle, Private Mills forced him to drop the grenade and captured him. When another enemy soldier attempted to throw a hand grenade into the draw, Private Mills killed him with one shot. Brought under fire by a machinegun, two machine pistols, and three rifles at a range of only 50 feet, he charged headlong into the furious chain of automatic fire shooting his M-1 from the hip. The enemy was completely demoralized by Private Mills’ daring charge, and when he reached a point within ten feet of their position, all six surrendered. As he neared the end of the draw, Private Mills was brought under fire by a machinegunner 20 yards distant. Despite the fact that he had absolutely no cover, Private Mills killed the gunner with one shot. Two enemy soldiers near the machinegunner fired wildly at Private Mills and then fled. Private Mills fired twice, killing one of the enemy. Continuing on to the position, he captured a fourth soldier. When it became apparent that an assault on the strongpoint would in all probability cause heavy casualties on the platoon, Private Mills volunteered to cover the advance down a shallow ditch to a point within 50 yards of the objective. Standing on the bank in full view of the enemy less than 100 yards away, he shouted and fired his rifle directly into the position. His ruse worked exactly as planned. The enemy centered his fire on Private Mills. Tracers passed within inches of his body, rifle and machine pistol bullets ricocheted off the rocks at his feet. Yet he stood there firing until his rifle was empty. Intent on covering the movement of his platoon, Private Mills jumped into the draw, reloaded his weapon, climbed out again, and continued to lay down a base of fire. Repeating this action four times, he enabled his platoon to reach the designated spot undiscovered, from which position it assaulted and overwhelmed the enemy, capturing 22 Germans and taking the objective without casualties.