Navy Federal Credit Union

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Third Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Fourth Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Michael P. Cooper, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an F-4D Aircraft Commander over hostile territory on 14 April 1972. On that date, Colonel Cooper led a flight of four F-4D Tactical Fighters that struck a large hostile petroleum storage area. Despite the hazards of ordnance delivery in the immediate area of hostile aircraft and surface-to-air missile sites, Colonel Cooper’s outstanding airmanship and leadership resulted in the destruction of this important target complex. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Colonel Cooper reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Awards Received

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force



    Action Date:

    October 31, 1965

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross with Combat “V” to Captain Michael P. Cooper, United States Air Force, for heroism while participating in aerial flight as Pilot of an F-105 aircraft over North Vietnam on 31 October 1965. On that date, Captain Cooper flew with a force of F-105 Thunderchiefs in a Hunter-Killer mission against Surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites located deep within hostile territory. Penetrating the target defenses on a low level high speed run, Captain Cooper encountered withering ground fire and missiles as he resolutely pressed the attack and dropped his bombs into the heart of the target complex. The accomplishment of this remarkable mission in the face of overwhelming odds was due in large measure to Captain Cooper’s professional skill and aggressiveness. The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Captain Cooper reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force



    Action Date:

    October 5, 1965

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross with Combat “V” to Captain Michael P. Cooper, United States Air Force, for heroism while participating in aerial flight as an F-105 Pilot over the Republic of Vietnam on 5 October 1965. On that date, Captain Cooper participated in a mission to destroy a vital bridge complex deep within hostile territory. Penetrating perimeter defenses on a low level high speed run, Captain Cooper courageously braved heavy anti-aircraft fire and surface-to-air missiles detonating at low level to skillfully execute a weapons approach and achieved pin-point bombing which figured prominently in the total destruction of the assigned target. The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Captain Cooper reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Silver Star


    United States Air Force



    Action Date:

    September 30, 1965

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Michael P. Cooper, United States Air Force, for gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force in Southeast Asia on 30 September 1965. On that date, Captain Cooper flew as alternate Mission Coordinator while leading a force of twenty F-105’s tasked with destroying a vital bridge complex deep within hostile territory. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Captain Cooper remained over the target area, which was defended by Surface-to-Air Missiles and heavy antiaircraft gun batteries, to direct successive waves of F-105’s against the target. Captain Cooper’s courageous and aggressive action in the face of determined opposition contributed materially to the success of this important mission. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Captain Cooper has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force


    Lieutenant Colonel

    Action Date:

    May 8, 1972

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Fourth Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Fifth Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross with Combat “V” to Lieutenant Colonel Michael P. Cooper, United States Air Force, for heroism while participating in aerial flight as an F-4D Aircraft Commander over hostile territory on 8 May 1972. On that date Colonel Cooper participated in a flight of four F-4D Tactical Fighters on a mission to provide allied aircraft that were striking targets deep in the heart of hostile territory with protection from enemy interceptors. Disregarding his own personal safety, Colonel Cooper aggressively engaged a superior number of hostile aircraft and greatly aided the flight leader who destroyed one of the enemy interceptors. The remaining hostile aircraft then broke off their attack, allowing the friendly aircraft to strike the hostile targets without opposition. The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Colonel Cooper reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force


    Lieutenant Colonel

    Action Date:

    April 14, 1972

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Michael P. Cooper, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an F-4D Aircraft Commander over hostile territory on 14 April 1972. On that date, Colonel Cooper led a flight of four F-4D Tactical Fighters that struck a large hostile petroleum storage area. Despite the hazards of ordnance delivery in the immediate area of hostile aircraft and surface-to-air missile sites, Colonel Cooper’s outstanding airmanship and leadership resulted in the destruction of this important target complex. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Colonel Cooper reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.