The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain (Infantry) William J. Thompson, United States Army, for gallantry in action while engaged in military operations in Vietnam on 25 April 1964. As a Senior Advisor to a battalion of the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam, Captain Thompson displayed fortitude, professional skill, and perseverance during a military operation. When the lead elements of the battalion were subjected to hostile small arms fire, he voluntarily proceeded to the forward position where four armored scout carriers were halted, and attempted to reorganize the dispersed Vietnamese units with the mission of retrieving their equipment, dead, and wounded. Through his courageous personal example, he succeeded in rallying the components and in encouraging them to move forward again. Then, with complete disregard for his own personal safety, he led his force forward over open terrain while exposed to the gunfire of the hostile forces well entrenched in rocky and heavily wooded positions on hills which dominated the field of battle. Despite the constant enemy fire, he continued his brave efforts by directing the operations of the friendly units and by assisting them in evacuating their wounded and dead which led to the successful completion of the mission. Captain Thompson’s conspicuous gallantry is in the highest traditions of the United States Army and reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.