The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Sergeant First Class Andrew P. Busic, United States Army, for gallantry in action while serving as the Intelligence Sergeant for Operational Detachment Alpha 1434 (ODA-1434), Special Forces Advanced Operating Base 1430, Special Operations Task Force-Southeast, Forward Operating Base Ghazni in Support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM on 28 August 2013. Sergeant Busic distinguished himself by courageously responding to an insurgent suicide attack on FOB Ghazni. His complete disregard for his own safety while in close combat with insurgent forces resulted in the obliteration of the enemy, denying their penetration of the FOB and saving countless Soldiers’ and civilians’ lives. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, The Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, the Special Operations Joint Task Force-Afghanistan, The United States Forces-Afghanistan and the United States Army.
Sergeant First Class Andrew P. Busic heroically distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous conduct in the face of the enemy of the United States as an Intelligence Sergeant, Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha 1434 (ODA-1434), Advanced Operating Base 1430, Special Operations Task Force-Southeast, Forward Operating Base Ghazni, Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. On 28 August 2013, insurgents (INS) conducted a spectacular, complex attack on Forward Operating Base (FOB) Ghazni initiated by a vehicle borne improved explosive device on the east perimeter wall, near the airfield. Immediately following the blast, ten INS in Afghan National Army uniforms armed with small arms, grenades, grenade launchers and suicide vests poured through the breach intent on inflicting mass casualties. Sergeant Busic, completely ignoring his own well being, rushed to the sound of small arms fire in a non-tactical vehicle with two other Soldiers. His vehicle initially received enemy small arms fire from two directions, but upon identifying another friendly element heading the opposite direction, Sergeant Busic directed his vehicle to follow them towards what they quickly identified as the breach point of the FOB. While approaching the breach point the vehicle met with a hail of INS small arms fire. Once special operator dismounted while the vehicle maneuvered through intense INS small arms and rifle grenade fire. Sergeant Busic then dismounted the vehicle and, under enemy fire and with complete disregard for his personal safety, rushed directly towards the enemy while providing covering fire and forcing the INS to fall back from his fellow operators. He then linked up with a special operator returning from the enemy engagement area and they both aggressively counterattacked the INS while exchanging small arms fire. Sergeant Busic and the special operator sought cover and became embroiled in an intense, close quarter gun fight with three INS located only five meters from their position. Unable to gain fire superiority, both wounded from proximal grenade and suicide vest blasts, receiving concentrated enemy fire and fighting from inadequate cover, they decided to expose themselves to enemy fire in order to return to their original location. Sergeant Busic then linked up with additional special operators and organized them into two maneuver elements. Coalition mounted forces then arrived on site and Sergeant Busic assisted in directing them to move forward to suppress the breach point. His quick thinking and decisive action under pressure ensured no additional INS were able to enter the FOB. Using the vehicle movement as a distraction, he then led one maneuver element into the enemy engagement area towards an unknown number of remaining INS. Synchronizing his movements with the other element, Sergeant Busic, although wounded with multiple shrapnel injuries, led a methodical clearance of the area. As they continued advancing forward, an INS detonated his suicide vest near them. After continuing to clear the area and passing two apparently dead INS, one of them surprised the element by rolling a hand grenade to within 15 feet of their position. Unable to take cover, they absorbed the grenade. The INS then detonated his suicide vest throwing his body in the air and causing minor injuries to the special operators. Sergeant Busic then killed an INS with small arms fire that was maneuvering to the rear of their position. His element was then reinforced by additional special operators, and he next led them to clear additional areas ensuring the INS threat was completely eliminated. His quick thinking, outstanding situational awareness in an extremely dangerous situation and fearless leadership were directly responsible for ensuring the safety of over 1,400 personnel on FOB Ghazni. His action are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, The Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, the Special Operations Joint Task Force-Afghanistan, The United States Forces-Afghanistan and the United States Army.