The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Private First Class Edward R. Smith (ASN: RA-17286901), United States Army, for gallantry in action as a member of Company B, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, in action against an armed enemy in Korea. On 29 September 1951, Company B was assaulting Hill 487 under a withering hail of machine gun, automatic weapons, small arms and grenade fire from well-entrenched enemy positions. Private Smith, heedless of his personal safety, made his way to the top of the hill exposing himself to the enemy’s field of fire; and, upon reaching the crest of the hill, he assaulted a bunker killing three of the enemy and wounding another. Observing that a fellow soldier, having gained the summit of the hill, was hit by enemy fire, Private Smith immediately set up a base of fire on an entrance to the bunker to prevent the foe from coming out and killing his comrade. Although wounded by bursting grenades, Private Smith continued firing until his weapon failed to function; and then, employing enemy hand grenades, he kept the hostile soldiers sealed in the bunkers. Private Smith’s selfless gallantry, aggressiveness, and courageous regard for the welfare of his stricken comrade reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.