Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Army


    First Lieutenant (Chemical Warfare)


    2d Chemical Mortar Battalion

    Action Date:

    November 2, 1950

    Headquarters, IX Corps, General Orders No. 221 (1951)

    (Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: First Lieutenant (Chemical Warfare) John L. Herbin, United States Army, was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action while serving with Company A, 2d Chemical Mortar Battalion, in action against the enemy on 2 November 1950, in Korea. During a fierce fire fight with the enemy, a call for ‘medic” was heard from several positions within the company perimeter. Lieutenant Herbin immediately asked for permission from the company commander to investigate and bring into the command post all wounded personnel. He was warned of the danger, as terrific small arms, automatic weapons, and mortar fire was falling all over the entire position, but Lieutenant Herbin persisted in going. When permission was granted he sprang from his foxhole, disregarding his own personal safety and ran from one position to another looking for wounded personnel. He brought each one to the center of the company area for first aid treatment and was personally responsible for saving several of their lives. Later, the company found its position untenable and was forced to withdraw. Lieutenant Herbin, upon learning that the only escape route was in enemy hands and that a road block was being set up, again volunteered, and proceeded to attack the enemy with hand grenades which knocked out two machine gun positions. He returned to the column and led the entire company out and back to friendly lines, loading his vehicles with wounded men along the road, thereby saving the lives of many of his fellow soldiers.