Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Army


    Lieutenant Colonel (Field Artillery)


    37th Field Artillery Battalion


    2d Infantry Division

    Action Date:

    May 17 & 18, 1951

    Headquarters, 2d Infantry Division, General Orders No. 157 (June 15, 1951), Amended by G. O. 349 (1951)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Silver Star to Lieutenant Colonel (Field Artillery) John R. Hector (ASN: 0-30717), United States Army, for gallantry in action as Commanding Officer, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in action against an armed enemy in Korea, on 17 and 18 May 1951. On those days, when the 2d and 3d Battalions of the 23d Infantry Regiment were cut off by a road block in the vicinity of Cholchong-ni, Colonel Hector elected to remain with the forward elements of the French Battalion, through which the two battalions of the 23d were to withdraw, to insure constant and instantaneous artillery support to both the 23d Regiment and the French Battalion. Colonel Hector remained in a forward position, directing artillery fires until the withdrawal of the infantry forces was accomplished and the French had disengaged to previously selected positions. His personal bravery, gallantry, and coordination of all artillery available, contributed greatly to the success of an operation which might have proved disastrous in losses of men and material and a possible exposure of the entire right flank of friendly forces. Plaudits from supported units concerning the high excellence of the support given by our artillery units indicate that Colonel Hector played a very considerable and gallant part in the entire operation. His wide knowledge of artillery doctrine, his coolness in the face of the attacking enemy, and his gallant professional competence reflect great credit upon himself and uphold the highest traditions of the Military Service of the United States.

  • Silver Star


    United States Army


    Lieutenant Colonel (Field Artillery)


    37th Field Artillery Battalion


    2d Infantry Division

    Action Date:

    September 1, 1950

    Headquarters, 2d Infantry Division, General Orders No. 66 (October 16, 1950)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant Colonel (Field Artillery) John R. Hector (ASN: 0-30717), United States Army, for gallantry in action as Commanding Officer, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in action against the enemy on 1 September 1950 in the vicinity of Changnyong, Korea. On this date, he was returning to his Command Post from a regiment supported by his battalion. His vehicle was suddenly subjected to intense direct small arms fire by a group of enemy soldiers who had infiltrated behind infantry units in that area. His driver was wounded in the initial burst of fire and stopped the vehicle. Colonel Hector, disregarding his own personal safety and ignoring the hail of small arms fire directed against him, carried the wounded driver to a position of safety about 200 yards to the rear. He then returned to the scene of the ambush, effectively returned the enemy fire, and forced them to withdraw. Recovering the vehicle, he placed the wounded man therein, and rove him to a nearby aid station. The gallantry displayed by Colonel Hector in endangering his own life to save that of a fallen comrade reflects great credit upon himself and ins in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service.

  • Silver Star


    United States Army


    Lieutenant Colonel (Field Artillery)


    37th Field Artillery Battalion


    2d Infantry Division

    Action Date:

    February 7 – 19, 1951

    Headquarters, 2d Infantry Division, General Orders No. 86 (April 26, 1951)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Silver Star to Lieutenant Colonel (Field Artillery) John R. Hector (ASN: 0-30717), United States Army, for gallantry in action as Commanding Officer, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in action against an armed enemy from 7 to 19 February 1951 near Chipyong-ni, Korea. During the entire engagement, which lasted from 7 February 1951 to 19 February 1951, Colonel Hector planned and executed the deadly artillery defensive fires which wrought such havoc to the enemy forces, kept them continuously off balance and inflicted staggering losses in personnel, equipment and supplies. Despite the heavy enemy fire falling in the area, he constantly kept in touch with the supported infantry commander and his staff in order to better coordinate his artillery with the overall infantry effort. Under these same conditions he continually visited all the firing batteries, encouraging and praising their timely and accurate efforts in firing both direct and indirect fires, day and night, against a determined, fanatical enemy. His aggressiveness, tactical and technical knowledge, and his gallant devotion to duty during a trying period while surrounded by the enemy, all contributed materially to the success of the infantry in holding its perimeter intact until a tank force broke through to relieve it. The gallantry and superior leadership displayed by Colonel Hector reflect the highest credit upon himself are in keeping with the fine traditions of the military service.