The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Army Distinguished Service Medal to Lieutenant General Ira Clarence Eaker (ASN: 0-7478), United States Army Air Forces, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility as Commander of the United States Air Forces in the United Kingdom, and EIGHTH Air Force from December 1942 to 7 January 1944. Upon assuming command of this unit General Eaker devoted himself to building a formidable air force. Largely due his individual efforts and in a minimum of time he overcame shortages then existing with respect to competent and trained personnel and combat equipment of all types. Tactics for large scale daylight bombing had not been developed. However, General Eaker’s brilliant assessment of enemy strengths and intentions, together with his outstanding resourcefulness, led to sound decisions and the ultimate in operational performance. His personality, ability, and untiring effort won the respect and admiration of our British Allies with whom he was in constant contact, thus enhancing our prestige and establishing a firm foundation of mutual confidence for future operations. General Eaker, by his noteworthy achievement as an organizer, unlimited display of initiative, energy, outstanding leadership, and his untiring devotion to duty, together with his penetrating analysis of the military situation, made an invaluable contribution to the success of air operations over Europe. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Lieutenant General Eaker and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Army Air Forces.