Headquarters, EIGHTH U.S. Army, Korea, General Orders No. 31 (January 18, 1951)
The President of the United States of America, under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Service Cross to Major (Infantry) Melvin Russell Blair, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Commanding Officer of the 3d Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. Major Blair distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against enemy aggressor forces near Haman, Korea, on 14 and 15 September 1950. On 14 September 1950, when one of his companies lost all but one of its officers, Major Blair, realizing the need for inspiring leadership, joined the hard-hit unit. From 1400 until 0800 the following morning he inspired the men of the company to new determinations by his many heroic and courageous acts. He led one platoon in a successful counterattack upon its old position and then covered its withdrawal when the position became untenable. Organizing a perimeter of defense with forty to fifty men, Major Blain inspired them by word and deed to hold this position despite four banzai attacks by over four hundred enemy troops until almost all of their ammunition had been expended. He covered the disengagement of the company with six men during which action he was ambushed and wounded in the leg; yet he supported the covering party to fight their way out of the ambush. By staying with the covering party despite his wounds and the intense enemy fire, Major Blain assured that the main body and the wounded were able to withdraw safely. The sight of the battalion commander facing death with them constantly inspired the reluctant to stay and fight with new found determination. The extraordinary heroism of Major Blair reflects the greatest credit on himself and is in keeping with the high traditions of the military service.