The President of the United States of America, under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Major (Infantry), [then Captain] Stanley Cynlias Tyrrell, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Commanding Officer Company F, 2d Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division. Major Tyrrell distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against enemy aggressor forces in the vicinity of Konmae-ri, Korea, on 28 January 1951. On that date, while en route to rescue a reconnaissance patrol that had been surrounded by the enemy, Major Tyrrell’s company encountered two bodies of hostile troops, one of company strength and the other numbering approximately sixty men. Although heavy fire came pouring down on the friendly troops from all sides, Major Tyrrell, setting a personal example of utter fearlessness, led his men against the foe and, after a bitter engagement, the friendly force routed the enemy from the area with heavy casualties. Then, proceeding on his mission, the company made its way to the ambushed patrol. Upon reaching the area, Major Tyrrell found a wounded friendly soldier who informed him that eight members of his patrol had been killed and the remainder taken prisoner. The next day Major Tyrrell was assigned a similar mission. After leading his men to a point a short distance from another encircled patrol, Major Tyrrell’s company was subjected to intense enemy small-arms and automatic-weapons fire. Completely exposing himself to the heavy fire, Major Tyrrell positioned the supporting heavy weapons of his company and then personally led two platoons in a daring assault against the hostile positions. Inspired by the matchless fighting spirit of Major Tyrrell, the friendly troops forced the enemy to flee from their positions in disorder. After supervising the evacuation of the beleaguered patrol, Major Tyrrell reorganized his men and led them in a skillful withdrawal from the area. The extraordinary heroism displayed by Major Tyrrell on this occasion reflects the greatest credit on himself and is in keeping with the high traditions of the military service.