The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Major (Air Corps) Herschel Harper Green (ASN: 0-659696), United States Army Air Forces, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Pilot of a P-51 Fighter Airplane in the 317th Fighter Squadron, 325th Fighter Group, FIFTEENTH Air Force, in action over ***** on 21 August 1944. Arriving over the target area prior to the heavy bombers, the fighter group led by Major Green conducted a highly successful fighter sweep. Although the assigned mission was completed when the bombers withdrew from the target, Major Green having observed over sixty enemy aircraft on the airdrome prior to the bomb run, continued circling, for despite the devastation inflicted on the airdrome only three enemy aircraft fires were visible. Fully cognizant of the extreme danger of a low-level attack on an active enemy installation, Major Green carefully planned, then skillfully initiated a daring low-level trial attack through smoke, dust and potential ground fire. The supreme risk, instituted by gallant action, proved that the limited visibility rendered ground weapons’ fire ineffective. Thereupon, Major Green courageously led ten P-51s on six successive strafing attacks, and so successfully covered the entire area that thirty-seven enemy aircraft were severely damaged or destroyed. Major Green’s display of extreme valor, intrepid leadership, and unusual initiative reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States of America.