Navy Federal Credit Union

Marion Minnis graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Class of 1950. He retired as a U.S. Navy Captain.

Awards Received

  • Legion of Merit


    United States Navy



    Action Date:

    August 1970 – August 1971

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Captain Marion Lee Minnis, Jr. (NSN: 0-533041), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as Operations Officer for Commander Carrier Division SIX from August 1970 to August 1971. A strong leader and perceptive planner, Captain Minnis guided the Staff of Commander Carrier Division SIX through one of the most demanding periods of employment in the Mediterranean with the SIXTH Fleet in September 1970. The politico-military unrest in the Middle East developed into a crisis that endangered the safety of American citizens in Jordan. Captain Minnis responded in truly outstanding fashion by developing contingency plans which assured the responsiveness and rapid reaction so urgently required. Upon return to the United States, Commander Carrier Division SIX was tasked with developing the plans for the evaluation and employment of the CV concept. Captain Minnis directed the development of this evaluation plan in superb fashion with the most thorough and detailed staffing. His skillful and meticulous planning of the integration of the ASW and attack forces provided a significant contribution to the capability of U.S.S. SARATOGA (CVA-60) to carry out the CV mission in a multi-threat environment. Captain Minnis throughout has displayed analytical reasoning, objective judgment and the highest professional expertise and has contributed significantly to increasing the effectiveness of naval forces. By his consistently outstanding leadership and devotion to duty, Captain Minnis upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Navy




    Attack Squadron 112 (VA-112)


    U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (CVA-63)

    Action Date:

    January 21, 1967

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Commander Marion Lee Minnis, Jr. (NSN: 0-533041), United States Navy, for heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as a pilot of jet aircraft while serving as Commanding Officer of Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED TWELVE (VA-112), in U.S.S. KITTY HAWK (CVA-63), engaged in combat operations against North Vietnamese forces on 21 January 1967. As strike leader of a major strike against the Ninh Binh Bridge and transshipment complex, Commander Minnis planned, coordinated and led elements of Carrier Air Wing ELEVEN in a crippling strike which helped to sever the enemy’s primary rail and highway supply routes at Ninh Binh. Although this vital area was heavily defended by enemy surface-to-air missiles and the strike was heavily opposed by enemy anti-aircraft fire, his precise navigation and evasive maneuvering placed each aircraft in position to successfully deliver its ordnance on the target. His own accurately delivered ordnance contributed heavy damage to an important bridge in the complex. Although under heavy fire, these attacks were pressed home with Commander Minnis, as leader, demonstrating the skill necessary for the task. Commander Minnis’ detailed plan of attack, courageous leadership under enemy fire and expert weapons deliver were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Navy




    Attach Squadron 112 (VA-112)


    U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (CVA-63)

    Action Date:

    April 25, 1967

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Commander Marion Lee Minnis, Jr. (NSN: 0-533041), United States Navy, for heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as a pilot of jet aircraft while serving as Commanding Officer of Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED TWELVE (VA-112), in U.S.S. KITTY HAWK (CVA-63), while leading an air strike on the morning of 25 April 1967 against the Haiphong cement plant located in North Vietnam. Commander Minnis planned and led a 39 plane strike against this vital enemy industrial complex located in one of the most highly defended areas in North Vietnam. He skillfully planned the strike to afford the maximum utilization of his aircraft with minimum exposure to enemy defenses. Although intensely opposed by enemy flak and surface-to-air missiles, Commander Minnis was able to avoid this opposition through expert airmanship and commands while maneuvering the strike group into the most advantageous position to strike the target. In doing so, the point where further evasive maneuvering would be detrimental to the success of the mission was recognized precisely with all further efforts devoted to locating and striking the target. Commander Minnis and the members of his strike dealt a devastating blow to the enemy by disabling the enemy plant and destroying many of the buildings located within the target complex. His own accuracy of weapons delivery was clearly shown in post strike photographs. Major damage was also inflicted against enemy defensive positions located in the area. Because of his superb planning and courageous leadership all members of the strike successfully completed the mission safely. The gallantry, flawless execution and outstanding leadership displayed by Commander Minnis in the face of grave personal danger upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  • Silver Star


    United States Navy




    Attack Squadron 112 (VA-112)


    U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (CVA-63)

    Action Date:

    May 10, 1967

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Commander Marion Lee Minnis, Jr. (NSN: 0-533041), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action as a Pilot of a jet aircraft while serving as Commanding Officer of Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED TWELVE (VA-112), in U.S.S. KITTY HAWK (CVA-63), engaged in combat operations against North Vietnamese forces on 10 May 1967. Commander Minnis assumed the lead of a 35 plane strike against the Haiphong Thermal Power Plant (West) when both the strike leader and strike coordinator lost their radios. Flying as leader of the third division of a three division A-4 strike element, he quickly recognized the possible debacle and by calmly but forcibly taking charge formed the strike forces en route to the target. Although intensely opposed by enemy flak and surface-to-air missiles, Commander Minnis was able to avoid the opposition through expert airmanship and leadership while maneuvering his aircraft into the most advantageous position to strike the target. In doing so, he ordered the force to maintain flight integrity recognizing that extreme evasive maneuvering warranted by the intense flak and missiles would derogate the results particularly because of cloud cover over the target. Commander Minnis rolled in on the target through a hole in the clouds with the tight formation that had been maintained permitting the remainder of the strike aircraft to follow in short order. When his bombs failed to release because of an aircraft armament malfunction, he did not release manually for fear of hitting nearby housing, but pulled up once again into the intense flak site thereby protecting the other aircraft as they retired safely after delivering a devastating blow to the enemy. The gallantry and flawless leadership displayed by Commander Minnis in the face of great personal danger upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.