Thomas Kinkaid graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Class of 1908. He retired as a U.S. Navy Admiral.
Thomas Kinkaid graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Class of 1908. He retired as a U.S. Navy Admiral.
Action Date:
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Second Gold Star in lieu of a Third Award of the Navy Distinguished Service Medal to Vice Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid (NSN: 0-6585), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States as Commander North Pacific Force, United States Pacific Fleet, from 6 January 1943 to 12 October 1943. During this period Vice Admiral Kinkaid, in cooperation with the Army, developed strategic bases in the Aleutians while our forces moved steadily to the westward. During offensive operations, Vice Admiral Kinkaid was in command of all naval forces and of certain Army amphibious and air forces. He exercised his command with wisdom, firmness and tact, resulting in the occupation of enemy-held Attu Island in May 1943, and finally in August 1943, with the occupation of Kiska, the last Japanese were expelled from the Aleutians, thereby securing for the United States Alaska and the Aleutians.
Action Date:
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Navy Distinguished Service Medal to Rear Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid (NSN: 0-6585), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States in the line of his profession as Commander Task Force SIXTEEN, during the period preceding and throughout the Battle of the Solomons 24 August 1942; Santa Cruz, 26 October 1942, and again on 14 – 15 November 1942 to the southward of Guadalcanal. His keen leadership, determined action and outstanding resourcefulness enabled him to successfully destroy and drive off a large attacking force of enemy planes with a minimum amount of damage to the ships of his own Task Force. His aggressive action during this period contributed materially to the success of our forces during this campaign and was in accordance with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Action Date:
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Third Gold Star in lieu of a Fourth Award of the Navy Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid (NSN: 0-6585), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States as Commander SEVENTH Fleet and Commander Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area. Vice Admiral Kinkaid distinguished himself during the Leyte operation of the Philippine Islands Campaign from October through December 1944, by exceptionally meritorious service. He planned and carried out the naval phases of this operation which made possible the liberation of the Philippines. He welded the diverse and limited fighting organization which he directed with outstanding strategic skill, as evidenced by the annihilation of the Japanese surface forces in the Battle of Surigao Straits phase of the Battle for Leyte Gulf. As a result of his aggressive leadership and brilliant over-all strategic control, two major task forces of the Japanese Fleet which seriously threatened the operation for the capture of Leyte, and the entire Philippine Campaign, were repulsed and decisively defeated. The indomitable courage, inspiring leadership, keen foresight and exceptional professional skill displayed by Vice Admiral Kinkaid were primarily responsible for the complete success of all naval operations under his cognizance in the Southwest Pacific Areas during this period and reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Naval Service.
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 20 July 1942, takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit (Army Award) to Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid (NSN: 0-6585), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States in the China Theater from 2 September 1945 to 15 November 1945.
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Army Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid (NSN: 0-6585), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility in the Southwest Pacific Area, from January to September 1945. As Commander of the Allied Naval Forces supporting SIXTH Army, he demonstrated a consummate mastery of all phases of joint Army-Navy activity as well as a conspicuously outstanding knowledge of strategic warfare and naval tactics as he directed the planning and execution of naval support of amphibious operations in the Admiralties and Philippine Islands. His employment of naval forces against the Japanese Fleet in the Battle for Leyte Gulf resulted in disaster for the enemy and removed a dangerous threat to the entire plan for the liberation of the Philippine Islands. Through his seasoned, resourceful leadership, and consistently noteworthy professional competence in the most capable execution of devastating naval blows, Admiral Kinkaid made a distinguished and most significant contribution to the successful and expeditious conclusion of the Philippine Liberation Campaign.
Action Date:
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Distinguished Service Medal to Rear Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid (NSN: 0-6585), United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States in the line of his profession as Cruiser Task Group Commander of Task Force ELEVEN in the Battle of the Coral Sea 4 – 8 May 1942 and, in particular, on 8 May 1942, for aggressive leadership and determined action in so controlling and directing his group as to cause heavy air losses to be inflicted on attacking enemy air groups thereby contributing immeasurably to the ultimate success of this action.