The Secretary of the Army of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Army Commendation Medal with Combat “V” to First Lieutenant Jason Torres, United States Army, for exceptionally valorous achievement during combat operations in Al Kufah, Iraq, 26 April to 28 May 2004. First Lieutenant Torres’ unwavering leadership, dedication to duty, and selfless service were critical to the successful mission accomplishment of securing bridge 3 in Al Kut and the destruction of enemy forces. His outstanding performance of duty reflects distinct credit upon him, Killer Troop, the 2d Dragoons, and the United States Army.
First Lieutenant Jason Torres, K Troop, 3d Squadron, 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment, distinguished himself in combat as 6th Platoon’s Platoon Leader on 26 April 2004 as approximately 30 enemy fighters armed with AK-47s, RPGs, 60-mm. mortars, and one 14.7-mm. anti-aircraft gun ambushed 6th and 3d platoons by Bridge #3 in Al Kufah. First Lieutenant Torres quickly maneuvered his platoon into a support by fire position and destroyed the enemy 14.7-mm AA gun team. He then determined that the next most dangerous threat to his men was the mortar tube that was dropping increasingly accurate fire on the east side of the bridge, especially in the vicinity of third platoon. Without hesitating, First Lieutenant Torres directed and led an assault across the bridge to locate and destroy the enemy mortar tube. He identified the tube in the back of a dump truck and his platoon quickly eliminated the tube. This immediately stopped the mortar fire on 3d platoon and allowed 6th and 3d platoons to exit the kill zone. On 28 May 2004, approximately 18 enemy fighters armed with AK-47s and RPGs ambushed 6th platoon. During the firefight, an RPG hit Sergeant First Class Williams’ truck causing a fire. First Lieutenant Torres, noticing the smoke from the vehicle and unable to reach Sergeant First Class Williams by radio, immediately maneuvered his platoon to cover K64. Disregarding his own personal safety, he then dismounted his vehicle to personally moved Sergeant First Class Williams into his truck and move him to the aid station at Camp Baker. First Lieutenant Torres’ actions both inspired his men and ensured the safe evacuation of the wounded.