The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” to Captain Stewart M. Hickey, United States Marine Corps, for heroic achievement in operations against the enemy while serving as Commanding Officer, Company D, Third Tank Battalion, Task Force RIPPER, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Saudi Arabia from 15 September 1990 to 27 February 1991. Deploying to Saudi Arabia as an independent unit, Company D was effortlessly assimilated into Third Tank Battalion due to Captain Hickey’s dynamic leadership. On G-Day he boldly led his company in the vanguard of the Division’s main attack. While under intense artillery barrages, he calmly directed his men in a methodical manner that ensured the momentum of the attack was maintained. Encountering a well entrenched enemy brigade defending a substantial obstacle belt, he directed the placement of direct and indirect fires that allowed for numerous rapid breaches of obstacle clearing detachments. Once clear of the obstacle he pushed his company so rapidly that the enemy forces were completely overwhelmed which resulted in taking hundreds of enemy prisoners of war. Captain Hickey’s initiative and courageous actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. (Captain Hickey is authorized to wear the Combat “V”.)