The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Hospitalman First Class James A. Mayton (NSN: 2973461), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism on 21 May 1966, as a Medical Corpsman serving with Marine Observation Squadron TWO (VMO-2), Marine Aircraft Group SIXTEEN, First Marine Aircraft Wing, in the Republic of Vietnam as a member of the Squadron’s Medical Evacuation Team. Receiving an emergency medical evacuation call from the Third Platoon, A Company, Ninth Marines, the Medical Evacuation Team immediately went to aid the platoon which was engaged in bitter combat, pinned down by a large well-armed North Vietnamese force, and therefore unable to assist their wounded comrades. As the medical evacuation helicopter landed in the zone, Petty Officer Mayton, without hesitation, leaped from the aircraft and, with intense enemy fire hitting all around him, raced back and forth carrying the wounded and dead to the aircraft. Again and again, during eight trips into zones around the scene of battle, he exposed himself fearlessly to enemy fire in order to rescue the wounded Marines. Due to his courageous and selfless actions, twenty-three casualties were evacuated under fire. Petty Officer Mayton’s repeated voluntary actions in trying to save his wounded and dying comrades, at obvious risk to his own life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.